Cindy Waller Hamilton's books are all written in simple, straightforward, easy to understand language in presenting the scriptural truths of the Bible.
From Rapture to Eternity
A Scriptural Journey Through the End of Days
Most of us have heard sermons, read books, and listened to Bible teachers expound on the last days of man on earth.
We may have heard about the Rapture, the Second Coming of Christ, the Tribulation, the Antichrist, the False Prophet, the 144,000, the Two Witnesses, etc. Still, we have a hard time understanding how all the elements fit together and the order of end time events.
This book presents the last days in a scriptural, simple, straightforward, easy-to-understand presentation so that you can move forward in your own deeper study of God's plan for the end times.
Fly Away
The Mystery of Death According to the Bible
Death is a great mystery, and while death is a topic we hate to consider, there comes a time when we have to face our own mortality. As surely as we live, we will die.
When we lose a friend or loved one in death, we often wonder if anything lies beyond the grave, and we have many questions about what happens after death.
Do we simply go to sleep? Where does the spirit go after death? Are heaven and hell real? What about children who die or those who commit suicide? Do our dead loved ones become our guardian angels? Can the dead return to leave tokens of comfort? And many more questions fill our minds.
In this book, we look to the Bible for our answers.
Harvest Time
Understanding Salvation and Sharing the Gospel
Despite the threat of persecution and death, the courageous Christians of the early church shared the gospel of Jesus Christ with a holy boldness that brought millions to salvation.
What has happened to the church today? Why are today's Christians so hesitant to share the gospel?
This book examines what it means to be saved and provides simple, scriptural encouragement to share the gospel with others as commanded by Jesus in the Great Commission.
Master of Magicians
A Verse-by-Verse Study of the Book of Daniel
God's prophetic plan for His people, from the time of Daniel through the end of the age is revealed throughout the pages of the Book of Daniel, fascinating the reader with visions, dreams, and revelations about the future that can only come from an all-knowing God.
The Book of Daniel is the key to understanding the Book of Revelation and God's plan for the time of the end.
Belteshazzar, Master of Magicians, is the name Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, gave to the Daniel. And this book will take you scripture by scripture through the enthralling Book of Daniel, explaining in simple terms the words written by the great prophet over 2,500 years ago.
Studying the Bible with Courage and Purpose​
Fearless Bible study is an expository method of examining scripture, looking seriously at what God says in His Word, considering the context and scrutinizing each scripture sequentially and systematically. This book outlines a study method in how to search for Biblical truth beyond what we simply see on the surface. Whether you are a beginner to Bible study or a long-time student of the Bible, you will find some tips and resources to enhance your own study and research.
Have I Now Become Your Enemy?
Speaking Scriptural Truth with Boldness
In the story, The Emperor's New Clothes, one small child had the boldness to point his finger at the emperor and, much to everyone's shock and horror simply stated the truth that the emperor was naked.
This world desperately needs people who speak the truth with holy boldness, people who will fearlessly step out of the shadows and proclaim the Word of God. This book encourages the reader to take a bold stand for the truth of God's sacred scripture, despite the condemnation of critics, popular culture and political correctness.
As Apostle Paul asked the church at Galatia, "Have I now become your enemy because I tell you the truth?" Galatians 4:16